Donor Games Regional

The goal of the Regional Donor Games is to raise awareness about living kidney donation. There are two Donor Games Regional events in 2024. The Western Regional was held May 18. See the event recap.

Midwest Regional


Registration is required for Donor Games Regional events. Registration is $5 per competitor in the Living Donor and Transplant Recipient categories and $25 per competitor in the General category. Registration is now closed.


Prizes will be awarded in the Men’s and Women’s categories overall.

Male Athletes:

  • 1st$500

  • 2nd$250

  • 3rd$100

Female Athletes:

  • 1st$500

  • 2nd$250

  • 3rd$100


WOD 1: 12-Minute Cap

4 RFT for time (Score is time finished)

RX Workout:

  • 10 x power snatches 75/55 pounds
  • 10 x box jumps 24/20 inches
  • 10 x KB American swings 53/35 pounds
  • 10 x pull-ups

Scaled Workout:

  • 10 x DB snatches 35/20 pounds
  • 10 x box step-ups 24/20 inches
  • 10 x KB American swings 35/26 pounds
  • 10 x jumping pull-ups

WOD 2: 10-Minute Cap

RX Workout

  • Part A
    • 100 x lateral bar hops
    • 25 calories bike
  • Part B
    • In the remaining time, max 2-rep deadlift

Scaled Workout

  • Part A
    • 100 x lateral bar step or hop overs
    • 25 calories bike
  • Part B
    • In the remaining time, max 2-rep deadlift

WOD 3: 8-Minute Clock

RX Workout

  • 500M row
  • 400M run 
  • In remaining time, AMRAP of:
    • 3 x thrusters 95/65 pounds
    • 6 x toes to bar
    • 9 x burpees

Scaled Workout

  • 500M row
  • 400M run 
  • In remaining time, AMRAP of:
    • 3 x thrusters 65/45 pounds
    • 6 x hanging knee raises
    • 9 x burpees

Founding Sponsors

  • National Kidney Foundation
  • National Kidney Registry
  • National Kidney Donation Organization