Fran Workout

The Fran Workout is a series of 45 total thrusters and 45 total pull-ups performed in the following combination within a 10-minute time cap:

  • 21 thrusters followed by 21 pull-ups followed by
  • 15 thrusters followed by 15 pull-ups followed by
  • 9 thrusters followed by 9 pull-ups
  • Outside of the timed portion of the workout, athlete must identify plates and bar weight used for thrusters.

Fran Exercises



Standard (Strict) Pull-ups

Butterfly Pull-Ups

Kipping Pull-Ups

Workout Rules

To be considered for the podium and cash prizes, all competitors in the Fran Workout must adhere to the following rules:


  • Barbell weight for men is 95 pounds and the weight for women is 65 pounds.
    • Should an athlete perform thrusters at a lower weight, the workout will be considered a modified workout and your finish time will be placed after other competitors who performed the workout at full weight.
  • Each thruster consists of a front squat followed by an overhead press. Thighs should be parallel to the floor at the bottom of the squat and the elbows should be fully locked out at the top of the press.
  • Video must include full range of motion of the thruster. Camera angle must clearly display full depth of squat portion and full lockout at the top of the press.


  • Strict, butterfly and kipping pull-ups are all acceptable.
  • Palms must face outward.
  • Chin must clear the bar at the top of each pull-up. Camera angle should be from the side or facing the athlete only and must clearly show the chin relative to the bar.
  • Arms must be fully extended at the bottom of each pull-up.
  • Banded pull-ups are acceptable with a weight assistance of no more than 70 pounds, but the workout will be considered a modified workout and your finish time will be placed after other competitors who performed the move unassisted.

Founding Sponsors

  • National Kidney Foundation
  • National Kidney Registry
  • National Kidney Donation Organization