Balanced Mitch 2024 Open Recap

The Balanced Mitch 2024 Open, which took place May 30–June 5, brought a new twist on the Mitch that required as much strategy as it did strength. The event hit a new record of 67 athletes registered and did not disappoint.  In the Balanced Mitch workout, competitors had two minutes to complete a maximum number … Read More

Western Regional 2024 Recap

The Donor Games Western Regional took place May 18 at the Mission HQ in Alameda, California. A total of 29 athletes competed and approximately 100 people attended the event, including kidney donors, transplant recipients, and dialysis patients. Retired and active members of the Marines, Air National Guard, Coast Guard and Army were among the participants … Read More

Heavy Murph 2024 Recap

The Heavy Murph 2024 Open, with took place April 4–10, delivered another thrilling competition, with neck-and-neck races in both donor categories that went right down to the wire. The top spot in the men’s donor category was hotly contested. Garet Hil established an early lead, but on the last full day of the competition, Thomas … Read More

Fran Workout 2024 Open Recap

Our second-ever Fran Workout event, which took place February 6–12, went down to the wire, with amazing performances by Donor Games veterans and new faces alike, including a photo finish in the women’s donor category and two new Donor Games records. Thomas Sullivan is proving himself a force to be reckoned with in the Donor … Read More

1-Mile Swim 2023 Open Recap

In our inaugural 1-Mile Swim workout, which took place August 2–8, we saw record registrations and some world-class times by several living donors, including two athletes who went sub-26 minutes. In the women’s division, Courtney Cox recorded a blistering time of 25:14, edging out Sophia Goode (26:08) by less than 60 seconds. In the men’s division, Jon Sullenberger recorded an incredible time … Leaderboard

Super Murph 2023 Open Recap

The Super Murph 2023 Open, which took place May 10–16, brought the heat and the hurt, with a healthy mix of familiar faces as well as new names atop the leaderboard in this always grueling competition. First-time participant Thomas Sullivan cruised to a first-place finish in the men’s donor category. After an approved first attempt … Leaderboard

Fran Workout 2023 Open Recap

The Fran Workout 2023 Open, a new workout for the Donor Games that took place March 15-21, delivered another exciting event, with fierce competition in both donor categories and a new name appearing at the top of the Donor Men’s leaderboard. In the men’s donor category, Justin King was comfortably in first place with his second … Leaderboard

Bonnyman Workout 2023 Open Recap

The Bonnyman Workout 2023 Open, which took place January 18-24, delivered another exciting competition, with last-minute leaderboard jockeying and some very interesting Donor Games firsts. The Bonnyman Workout is a 1-rep max bench press followed by a 3-rep max deadlift to be completed within a 3-minute time cap. The final score is the composite ranking of the … Leaderboard

Mitch Workout 2022 Open Recap

The Mitch Workout 2022 Open took place June 22 to 29. Competitors had two minutes to complete a maximum number of unbroken bench press reps at a designated weight (185 lbs for men, 95 lbs for women). At or prior to the two-minute mark, athletes began performing strict unbroken pull-ups. The athlete’s score was the … Leaderboard

Super Murph 2022 Open Recap

The Super Murph 2022 Open took place April 6 to 13 and featured athletes competing to complete five rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, 30 air squats and 40 sit-ups. It was another exciting, down-to-the-wire finish for the Super Murph 2022 Open event, with last-minute lead changes in three different categories. Both the donor categories … Leaderboard

Founding Sponsors

  • National Kidney Foundation
  • National Kidney Registry
  • National Kidney Donation Organization